Asian Salmon Cakes With Tropical Salsa


Whenever I see a recipe for prawn, crab or fish cakes the words “guaranteed disaster” cross my mind. This is primarily due to a crab cake incident at a Christmas party we threw a few years ago. I had never made crab cakes before but after looking up a dozen or so recipes online I figured, how hard can this really be? I’m a good cook, I can wing this.

Fast forward to the night of our party; 20 hungry guests, a small fortunes worth of fresh crab meat and 2 hours of mounting anticipation due to foolishly announcing “these are guaranteed to be the best crab cakes you have ever had” after one too many mugs of eggnog. 45 minutes later and I was standing over the stove silently sobbing as I watched my crab cakes self destruct into scrambled egg like consistency. I lied to everyone, said the crab meat was off and and hid it in the back of the fridge too horrified to admit what really happened and serve guests a bowl full of crab mush.

me another year before I tried again and this time it was with fish, a much more economical option. After great success with my Zucchini Fritters I knew that 2 eggs + almond flour is a great binding mixture that when combined with seafood or vegetables “should” hold together. So I crossed my fingers and went for it.

These salmon cakes are so easy to make, they are absolutely fool proof. Simply combine the ingredients, form into patties and fry, there is no chilling the mixture or leaving the cakes in the fridge to ensure they hold together. The asian flavours in these cakes are vibrant while not overpowering the star ingredient, salmon! These make a fantastic main course for dinner or you can make them smaller in size and serve as an appetizer for guests (my obsession with finger food continues!).

I have included a recipe for a jalapeño fruit salsa which is a fantastic topping for these cakes but they taste great on their own or as SA has informed me, with sweet chilli sauce. They can be made in under 30 minutes, stored in the fridge as patties for 24 hours before frying and are even delicious reheated as leftovers the next day. To make these salmon cakes even healthier I suspect they would work well baked in the oven. Let me know if you try making them this way, would love to hear how it goes. Enjoy!


Prep Time:10 mins                   Cook Time:15 mins                     Total Time:25 mins 

Diet: Dairy Free, Grain/Gluten Free, Paleo, Specific Carbohydrate Diet Legal
Servings: 6 cakes


  • 500 grams salmon 
  • 2 eggs 
  • 2/3 cups almond flour 
  • 2 tbsp fresh ginger grated 
  • 2 tbsp coconut aminos or tamari 
  • 1/2 tbsp sesame oil 
  • 1 tbsp lime juice 
  • 1 tsp lime zest 
  • 1/2 cup scallions chopped 
  • 1/4 cup cilantro chopped 
  • 2 tbsp oil 


  1. Cut the salmon into 1cm sized cubes 
  2. In a bowl combine the eggs, almond flour, ginger, coconut amines (or tamari), sesame oil, lime and scallions, stir until well combined 
  3. Add in the cubed salmon and cilantro and mix until the salmon is evenly distributed throughout the mixture 
  4. Form cakes approximately 3 inches in diameter and place on a parchment paper lined baking sheet. The cakes can be made up to this point and then stored in the fridge overnight. 
  5. Heat oil in a frying pan over medium heat 
  6. Saute the cakes for approximately 7 minutes per side or until they turn a golden brown in color 
  7. Serve topped with the fruit salsa. Enjoy! 
